acutl1001 wrote:
...does anyone know how big the holding tanks are on my trailer? I imagine that's something that would be in the actual owners manual...
I had the same question about tank sizes. I searched for floor plan for my 2005 Cougar and stumbled onto a spec chart for all of the various model sizes with the capacities. I met someone in a campground with the same camper. They loaned me their manual binder, I took it into town and spent about $10 making copies. Bottom line is that the sizes werent in the manuals because they are so generic. I validated the sizes by counting 5 gallon buckets of water into the black tank until I could see down the toilet that it was full. I filled the fresh water tank and using a different bucket, I counted the 5 gallon buckets of water out of the low point drains, pouring them into the bathtub until the grey tank wouldnt take any more. My bucket count came very close to matching the spec sheet. I validated the capacities because it seemed my black tank filled very fast. I discovered the capacity was less than spec, so I cleaned with a digester and that increased the capacity considerably.