Get the correct tow rating and cargo capacity of the exact version of the Canyon you have. Those vary widely with trim levels and options.
Add about 1000 lb to the dry weight of the trailer to get a reasonable loaded weight. Your trailer will put 10-15% of its loaded weight on the tongue, and that becomes part of the cargo of the truck. So take the cargo capacity of the truck, subtract 2 people and maybe another 200 lb for "stuff", and that is what you have available for trailer tongue weight. That is likely to be your limiting factor in the trailer weight you can comfortably handle.
Tow rating is another factor. It's best not to be absolutely maxed out.
Dont guess, get the numbers.
The most important factor aside from weight, is the floor plan of the trailer. Most couples want an "island" bed so you don't have to climb over each other. Some people must have a big entertainment system, others don't care. Go to some dealers and just start looking, taking a list of your weight limits with you. Don't buy anything in a rush. Take your time.