On the newer truck, I'm aiming towards the M655's.. I know the 920's are quieter, but the smaller block treads squirm/walk under heavy weights.
I'm hesitating, because my camper rig isn't that heavy; avg about 12k on the rear. When I get up around 13k and over, the block treads are horrible.
With that...I'm not sure, but leaning. I HATE tire noise.
I run straight rib M143's on one of the work trucks. Solid, quiet, and actually pretty good traction on packed snow. Take cables and chains well too.
For those that don't have the 19.5's... I loved the Toyo HT's we had on some rigs. Quiet, great traction even in the compact snow..not it's not a 'mud' tire.. and decent wear. They make them in just about every size other than 19.5.