And, as for storage, etc.--they are what you make of them: mine will have plenty, as I'm adding a slide-out that is nothing but a closet. The biggest thing is my l library and weight, but I'll block it up when parked and empty it to move it, so I won't bend my axles or spindles.
But it's all really relative, and certainly what you see one place isn't necessarily what you can do. Oh, and my porch will be detachable, so that I don't have to waste trailer space on it--it'll run down the length of one side, with the roof attached on hinges, and the deck in three pieces you simply bolt up to the wall.
I can't wait! Though it'll be awhile yet, with everything else I have going on at the moment. And, with me, I already have a lot of the materials laying around, from various jobs and where I've done tear downs and the like, during the off season.
But it's just like most of life: Just what you make of it. :)