One of my hobbies is 'Cultural Anthropology' and one aspect of how
the world has been moving 'West' as societies come and go...
Currently the 'next' westward area of growth in the world is Asia...
China will become the #1 world economy soon if not already...but...there
is a potential (I think for sure) crash and burn coming
Massive the pure size of the open land in China...just like when it was
America's turn to become the 'new' #1 economy...but...the speed of change
is mind boggling and that is where the issue maybe...
Americans poisoned their land as are the Chinese are dittoing...but...
the levels of and concentrations of are orders of magnitude in comparison
There is such a similar metric in that growth to the industrialization
of the world.
Things like the why of the markings on graded fasteners...they could
not read nor write. So the supervisor said assemble this part with
'three' fingers, which is a grade five. Holy-molly....this one needs
all 'five' fingers, which is a grade eight
Tire construction is very sensitive to fastidiousness in the manufacturing
process. Cleanliness is NOT an attribute of burgeoning industries
in 3rd world countries
We see this, still, in the America's and mainly with pure bean counter
management only managing to their bottom line and NOT managing their
When on exec staff of a $17Billion/year corporation...argued against
outsourcing since the beginning, circa early 90's. Again when they
also moved engineering along with source IP. Lost as the bottom line
said the only way to satiate the consumers desire for the cheapest at
any cost...and...that cost is our own livelihood whereby 'we' paid
'them' to build up their infrastructure with 'our' money and IP to
become competitive peers using our money and IP
Am also a controls and system (automation and process controls) back
ground. One was paper mills and just a bit of oil at the wrong time at
the wrong place would spoil a tank of pulp so that the fibers will NOT
bind to become 'good' paper. Why recycling plants hate pizza boxes
in the recycling bins of homes
Suspect Chinese made tires has some issue with their manufacturing
process. Am seeing so many separations from that country and must
say have from other country sourced too, but the lions share 'today'
are from China
That crash and burn is from my work setting up the team that negotiated
a campus in China. Budgeted $600/million (approx 7x in local money)
to find our inspectors going crazy at the level of consideration for
their environment. Both internal to the buildings during construction,
after opening and the way all of the manufacturing waste dumped 'over