I suppose you can run any combination you want but the function of the WD hitch is to transfer some of the tongue weight to the front axle and tires so the TV and TT sit level. Usually that means the same tires all around.
In my case I have had excellent results with the original P tires over the last 30,000 miles of towing. So when it came time to replacing them, I decided not to fix what was not broke. The TV was designed for P tires, so I run P tires.
I do bump the air pressure up to 40 lbs. when I tow. But the DW already thinks The TV rides like a buck board farm wagon, so I certainly am not going to do anything to stiffen the ride.
Some folks feel better with LT's or some other premium tire, so there is no reason for them not to use what they like.
Good Luck