Forum Discussion

PApopup's avatar
Jul 19, 2013

Toilet continues to run

We have a Thetford Aqua-Magic Style 2 toilet. Two trips ago we had issues with the toilet water filler not cutting off quickly. We would get extra water in the bowl. Not a big problem but don't want it to not stop and continue until it overflows. I was thinking we had high water pressure and that was the cause of the valve not shutting off quickly.

On the last trip it did it again though not as bad. I pulled out the manual we received with the camper but it is a little thin on troubleshooting and did not cover our issue.

Anyone have the same experience? The manual did list a water valve (part #8). Wondering how hard this would be to repair and what a valve would cost.

  • I have removed the valve without removing the toilet. It is located on the back of the toilet. Kind of hard to get at but much easier than removing the toilet. When I took the valve apart, it had some small, plastic granules in it that prevented it from closing completely. Cleaned it, put it back together and put it back in and it worked fine.
  • Have you cleaned the bowl blade/ball valve seal?

    Turn off water
    Hold open toilet flush valve and really clean the seal. Use your hand to clean bottom/top of seal......flex it back and forth, scape it with a wooden tongue depressor, scrub it clean

    Then use olive oil or plumbers grease to coat/lubricate seal and blade/ball valve.

    Many times water valve will not fully shut off due to blade/ball valve not fully closing.
  • They run about $25 but you must remove the toilet to replace
    You are playing with fire letting this go as a overflowing black tank can be catastrophic.