Our travel trailer is a mini lite by forest river. I haven’t found any huge issues with the build quality yet. We have had it four years now and are still very satisfied. There are some things we dislike, but they aren’t manufacturing issues, mostly issues that stem from trying to find a camper light enough to tow with my F150.
The biggest thing I currently dislike about our camper is small black and grey tank size. So for me that is the first thing I look for when browsing g new campers. Full service stalls in our area are rare, and man does my little family of four poop lots. I can and do use the bathroom facilities at the campground, but if I lugged my home on wheels 600 miles I sure would prefer to use my own bathroom. That isn’t important to everyone, and I know peop,e that only use the toilet for night time emergencies and have never used the shower.
And as mentioned before, give the toilet a test sit, some are truly terrible.