We've had several new TT's, both "cheapo" and "high quality" manufacturers. We've been real lucky that they were all decent, no lemons. But, a couple of the less expensive ones were built better than the more expensive ones. I don't think it matters at all what brand is "better" or not. It's how carefully that unit was manufactured that day it was built (the old don't buy one made on Friday or Monday) We've always liked the less fancy ones, never liked all the foo foo stuff some brands stick on their units. Gotta look 'em over real careful before buying and you need to know what to look for and what you're doing. If you don't know, take a known mechanic with you. Pay him, it's worth it.
Have had: Prowler, Lynx, Road Ranger, Frontier Flyer (probably the best), Arctic Fox (2), Trail Lite, Trail Cruiser (current), Nomad, Tahoe, Wilderness, Rainer, Komfort .........