Maybe let's approach this a different way -- what is it about towing that you find tiring? I used to be the same way -- then we finally dialed in our hitch arrangement to minimize the bucking of the trailer. We also dialed in the tongue weight. We got a better tow vehicle. I got used to the extra alertness that trailer towing requires, and now I even enjoy it (since it makes driving so much more interesting than regular driving). We learned that there is a limit -- about 8 hours a day, or 400 miles. We do what we can to avoid heavy city traffic.
Putting all of these things together, I now find towing to be enjoyable, if not relaxing (it isn't). And I am no longer tired at the end of a long day.
PS --DW is a great driver but prefers to navigate. She works the smart phone and the audio system and arranges meals and so forth -- I just drive.