enblethen wrote:
Computer in car does not know that you are re-inserting the same key.
depends on the vehicle, but in many cases on newer vehicles YES it does know which key is inserted.
On my 2015 denali pickup you can have up to 8 individual keys programmmed for the car. the vehicle knows which key is inserted. you can program various vehicle functions based on the key.
for example for a given key you can
limit maximum radio volume
not allow the radio to turn on if the seatbelt isn't fastened.
not allow the radio to turn on
change functions on the nav system.
have recording of vehicle max speed
enable a "teen driver function"
have the drivers seat adjust based on which key is inserted or which remote is used to unlock the car.
when I got extra keys, they were about $20 each. (not remote, just key) To get keys that would work they needed to come from a dealer and I had to show vehicle registration matching my name, show ID, sign a document, have a photo taken. They are programmed by the factory, and then there is a similar "learning" proces as what has been described earlier.
My older MB cars are similar. I can have the car "learn" them, but the only way to get a key is to get it from a dealer.