downtheroad wrote:
Towing in the wind can be a problem regardless if it's a travel trailer of 5th wheel or....whatever.
When it gets too windy, and I can feel it more that I like, we stop.
Is the photo I-90 in eastern Wa? Looks familiar. If those trucks are on I-90, I can understand why.
We drove on I-90 last August from Spokane to Seattle. The winds were gusting around 40-50 mph as we neared the mountains and it was very unnerving. Could only drive around 45 mph and it felt like I was on marbles the way we were being blown around. Stopped at a rest stop and asked one of the truck drivers about it and he said that even semis have to slow down sometimes along that stretch. Got to our destination CG and spoke to another RV-er who travels that same stretch often and said he's seen numerous FWs on their sides.
gusting sidewinds are the worst. It's like there's a big hand pushing on the side of your TT and letting go suddenly. You can't maintain a steady straight line down the road no matter how hard you try. All you can do is slow down a lot, or if really bad, stop somewhere.
While in Spokane, a storm warning came up on the radio advising people to seek shelter. The storm came up out of nowhere and a haboob swept through nearby but didn't cause damage. Never heard of a haboob before - it's like a tidal wave of dust.