colliehauler wrote:
SprinklerMan wrote:
dvitale300 wrote:
So here's a question - Let's say you're on the highway and the cross winds get too strong - perhaps a storm is blowing in. You find a rest area / safe place to pull over and wait it out. You try to point the trailer into the wind (although that isn't always possible). Do you put down the stabilizers as well - or just stay on the wheels?
I would unhook from the trailer . If it goes , so what thats what insurance is for .
Totally unnecessary if it's just wind. If it's a bad storm park in the rest area and go in the shelter building.
If you can park with the TV and TT at an angle to each other that will add stability... Turn so the point formed by the vehicles points into the wind. That's an old trick from my firefighting days - we drove an articulated ladder - always turned the cab 30 degrees to improve the stability of the rig when raising the ladder.