I'll be the contrary voice concerning the McKesh mirrors. I drank the kool-aid on them when I first got into RV'ing 17 years ago. There were two issues that I didn't like, and those led me to stop using them and eventually to sell them. Issue #1 - they create enormous blind spots. Or at least they did in the tow vehicle I was using. Every time I was making a turn in an intersection (right OR left) they completely blocked my vision of what was in the lane I was turning into. I had to crane my neck up and down and right and left to see around them. Issue #2 - they have rubber pads that press hard against the paint on your doors. If you have any grit or dirt on the door or on the pad when you install them, that grit will be ground into the paint on your door and you'll have a permanent reminder of your mirrors. I was meticulous about cleaning both the door and the pads every time I used them, but that gets old.
The nice thing about them is that, because of their great reputation, I was able to get a pretty good price for them when I sold them.