modern family wrote:
How old is your TT? Possibly trade for a newer, lighter model and the large suburban and expedition EL with be a fine TV.
A diesel is a much better TV to an answer that question. Though I do have a gasser F350, my next truck will be diesel. (Especially as you are up north, hills are much easier to travel with a diesel)
Hi modern,
my TT is 2007 - is just under 5000lbs barebones and I got it that light exactly bcs I anticipated the X getting tired and family bringing more **** each trip. Didn't want to kill the truck, truly. Payloads on the Sub and Expedition EL are pretty low... gas mileage is great though especially with the V6 Eco on the new Expeditions.
As far as diesels - I've read that short trips, cold weather, and inconsistent use kill them things and it costs an arm and a leg to fix. I like them for the power, but I don't have the cash laying around to fork out 5-10K for injectors and turbos going bad.