Though it's a moot point since Rocky left with his new dad this morning.....our '03 F150 CC is rated to tow 8000# with factory tow, etc. Our 2604 was the straight 2604 NOT the 2604WS, had a 6629# GVWR and was weighed fully loaded and enroute to FL with our DS#1, his wheelchair and other assorted things that rarely went with us. CAT confirmed a slight hair over 6000#. Grey and black tanks likely had some load and we'd just filled up the tank. Additionally, called our dealer with VIN# from the CAT to make sure we did, in fact, have completely accurate info.
If you're trying to make a point, today is not the day to do it, especially when your information is incorrect. Saw the rear of Rocky heading down our street for the last time and NOT being towed by our truck. Suggest you recheck your post. I don't believe the numbers you considered part of our sig show up anywhere. The truck is rated for 8000#, the mostly fictional dry weight of the 2604 is 5585# and GVWR is 6629#.