Forum Discussion

SamCol's avatar
Jan 31, 2016

Toyota Tundra/Lance Combo

Saw a Tundra dbl cab 4x4 the other day. Sat nice and level and looked real nice. I know it was over payload etc. Just wondering if anyone has the set up and how you like it.:@
  • HMS Beagle wrote:
    hedgehopper wrote:
    Some of us value Toyota reliability.

    They do have a good reputation. My last two pickups were a Dodge 2500HD V10 and a Ford F350 7.3L, both purchased new. I sold the Dodge at 65K miles, with a total repair bill of $8 (broken heater fan knob at 55K miles). I am about to sell the Ford at 90 K miles, with a total repair bill of $250 (pinion seal $50 at 40K miles, alternator $200 at 65K miles).

    The only way a Toyota could substantially beat that is if it wrote me a check every year :).

    Yup and I'm still driving my '91 F350. Carrying a TC sometimes and pulling a 28' TT at others.
  • hedgehopper wrote:
    Some of us value Toyota reliability.

    They do have a good reputation. My last two pickups were a Dodge 2500HD V10 and a Ford F350 7.3L, both purchased new. I sold the Dodge at 65K miles, with a total repair bill of $8 (broken heater fan knob at 55K miles). I am about to sell the Ford at 90 K miles, with a total repair bill of $250 (pinion seal $50 at 40K miles, alternator $200 at 65K miles).

    The only way a Toyota could substantially beat that is if it wrote me a check every year :).
  • Everyone Knows It Can't Be Done! Dangerous! Lunacy!

    (tongue in cheek comment here).
  • I love Toyota. I have owned 10+ of them in my life from pickups, landcrusiers, 4runners, cars including the current Camry we have. Wish they made a HD truck but they don' I drive a Ram. I doubt they ever will...but Nissan just came out with a 5/8 ton....the XD with a diesel. Sort of an in between a 1/2 and 3/ maybe Toyota will...until then...nope.
  • daily double wrote:
    Toyota makes a good 1/2 ton pickup, but that's what it is! 1/2 ton! IMO anything you put on it will overload it. Yes you can beef it up, but why not just get a bigger truck?
    Some of us value Toyota reliability. I kept waiting for Toyota to come out with an HD pickup, preferably a dually. But it hasn't happened. So now we're driving something else. BTW: Half-tons with campers aren't the only camper-packing pickups that are overloaded. Our dually is overloaded with a lightweight Northern Light Ten 2000.
  • Toyota makes a good 1/2 ton pickup, but that's what it is! 1/2 ton! IMO anything you put on it will overload it. Yes you can beef it up, but why not just get a bigger truck?