Oh good lord, this thread is the hapless trying to help the helpless....
1. Yall don't know that it came from a dealer or if it did, whether it's new enough to have warranty.
2. Just because a camper gets wet doesn't mean it's totaled, or anywhere near that. It "could" be depending on the damage, but for fck sakes, do you tear down you house if a sink leaks? You're like internet vultures waiting to tell someone their life is ruined....get a life.
3. OP. If you want assistance, you have to not be cryptic. Define carpet flooded. Wet? Water running out of it? Water running out the bottom of the camper?
4. If you think it's the water supply, shut it off. Do you even know where the tank(s) are? If the tank is under the floor (likely) then it cant flood the carpet above it. I can also almost guarantee it's NOT in the slideout.
5. Is there even plumbing in the slideout? Based on dinette/sofa, guessing it's not a kitchen or bath slide-out. Is it?
6. Yes, soak up, shop vac the water out and turn a fan on. AFTER you determine if it's an active leak.
7. What on earth does a landlord have to do with a camper and why would that person set it up? Just curious, not necessarily related to the water issue.