Forum Discussion

  • RickW's avatar
    Explorer III
    1200 lb. hardside with bathroom (water heater and grey and black tank)? No basement?

    Neat if it can be done.
  • I did notice a lack of light, but was hoping maybe extra windows would be an option. ... just have to wait and see
  • Interesting. They do make pretty fabulous trailers.

    But to me one benefit of a popup IS the soft side (windowswindowswindows). If I'm not getting extra storage out of a hardside because it's a still a popup, why give up all that air?

    I guess some people aren't comfy with soft sides.
  • It seems that they have no pictures of the left side near the door. I'm hoping that will end up being a bathroom with a shower.

    Also would be nice to know how they secure the camper without turnbuckles.
  • That would be the answer for me. As long as it has a shower.

    Unfortunately more often than not these pie-in-the-sky pipe-dream coming-soon things never come to fruition. I have my fingers crossed on this one.