Travels with Yoly wrote:
pcaffrey wrote:
Yoly, Thank you for this post and I have read your others as well. I was looking at a few used travel light T/C due to pricing but don't want to get into a nightmare issue and don't have the resources to buy new. We have a 3/4 T truck and trying to get a feeling of weights. What did you get for a camper. Thank you.
We returned the Travel Lite 770R to the dealer in NC where we bought it. They understood our concerns with the 1/2 ton Ram 1500 and the weight of the TC. They took it back and basically refunded our money. Then we purchased the Rayzr FK from the same dealer for around $8,500. Two weeks later, we decided we couldn't live with the negative design traits of the Rayzr so we traded it in on the Adventurer 80RB. The dealer only gave us $6,500 for the Rayzr ($2,000 depreciation, or about 18% in 2 weeks) !! For what it's worth, if you have a 3/4 ton truck, the additional weight of the 770R probably wouldn't be a factor.
Sounds like they 'evened up' with your on the TC and made up the diffreence on the Rayzr.
I don't much care for the Razyr or the Willet design either. With me, the whole point in any TC is having the cab over bed separate from the rest of the unit.
I don'r see the Razyr being a big seller and 8000 bucks for a TC with no cabin over bed seems like a wad. Heck, my Palomino was only 2 grand more and it has a cabin over bed and everything else too as well as some room inside. Even has a wet bath.
RV's do have a very steep rate of depreciation which is why it's better to buy used but make it an informed buy, not a knee jerk buy.