ElbyJ wrote:
Thanks for the info. Apparently the subject matter of whether or not to store a battery on a concrete floor during the winter is still being debated! The battery that came with my Keystone Passport doesn't have standard battery posts like you see on your car battery. I am not crazy about them -- so when I get a new battery tomorrow, I will also install new battery cables and a disconnect switch to keep the battery charged for a longer time period.
This is more a issue of cold and of the battery "discharging" to keep from freezing, no such thing as perpetual motion :), were any battery able to keep from discharging Energizer/ Duracell et al. would be out of business.
That some may have encountered greater discharging while having their batteries on concrete during winter.....
Have a great summer, tinkering with these things are as much fun as camping in them at times.