My two Trojan T-105 6v batteries just gave out this week after being in almost continuous use for the past 8 years. I keep my trailer plugged in for most of the year and have a Progressive Dynamics converter with the Charge Wizard. During most of that time (until the past 6 months) I very seldom had to add any water to them and just made sure the tops were clean and without any corrosion on the terminals.
I decided to replace them with two 12v group 27dc batteries from Costco. The reason being that I have a new
Torklift Power Armor battery box that is made for 12v batteries and the 6v GC2 batteries are too tall for it. In addition, I felt the 12v will provide some redundancy for the batteries that are in my truck in case they go south.
Here are the new batteries in the new box but not hooked together or installed in the trailer yet.