Forum Discussion
My OEM tires last 3 years. Always inspected and tire pressure checked. The first tire to go was the spare. It was never used and stayed covered. It grew a bulge. Replaced it before trip. On trip a tire I was using blew. Thankfully I had inspected my spare and had a new one. The blown tire replaced on trip to be new spare. On the way home, another tire blew. So basically, lost 3 tires in 2 weeks. The 1st blown tire did over $4500 in damage. Took over 9 months and two places to get the camper completely fixed.
My son bought a camper and told him to change the tires sooner than later. He didn't We go camping once a year together, day of trip he discovered his spare had grown a bulge. We headed off and prayed. He made it.He had a company come to campground to get all new tires. My son explained the bulge and the guy named the brand tire without looking at it.
Last week someone near me posted a picture of their spare tire, never used, kept covered, that exploded. The bulge grew and it finalll exploded.