Forum Discussion

Jim_Carolyn's avatar
Apr 26, 2015

Truck Bounce

I just bought a 2015 Arctic Fox 811S camper and have it mounted on a GMC Denali 3500, crew cab, 4WD with a standard box (6.5'). I also have installed air bags on the rear.

On my drive home from the dealer, I noticed that every-time I hit a rough spot in the road, the front of the truck started bouncing or as a guy at the dealer called it "Dolphining" (like a Dolphin going in and out of the water). He suspects that the air is lifting the front end of the camper slightly and therefore lifting the truck. After a couple of bounces it then stops and on smooth roads it doesn't bounce.

I had the maximum amount of air in the air bags and the rear seemed fine until I let some air out of the bags to test that then the rear started bouncing also.

I have Rancho shocks on the truck now but the dealer said maybe I should buy adjustable Rancho shocks for the front end. Another guy told me he had that problem (years ago) and bought a large air bag (like an air mattress) to fit on the top of the truck cap under the camper bed area to fill the space that exacts there - but I don't thing they make those anymore.

Has this happened to anyone else and if so how did you stop it?

Also, I tried changing my signature profile under my name but it won't take for some reason.