bmanning wrote:
LOL You could be right; my attention span isn't what it used to be!
About 5-6 years ago I just HAD TO HAVE a Polaris Ranger...first few months I owned it, took it out in the desert several times...then, maybe once a month...then once every few months...after less than 2 years the novelty had worn off and I sold it to make room in my garage.
Same could happen with a RTT but that's human nature for you...
So... were you ever sorry you owned the Ranger? Is anyone sorry they once had a beloved tool/toy that eventually fell by the wayside? :)
I suspect you'll enjoy this roof-top abode like we enjoyed tree-houses as a child... and as adults still do on Treehouse Masters on Animal Planet. No sense fighting it... go with it.
Besides, it's in our genes to prefer to sleep high and dry, and we might not be here if it hadn't; nor own hands instead of paws. Maybe even the deep roots of setting the roof-top up each evening will have special meaning over and above that of crawling into a ready made hardtop cavern. (Not that there is anything wrong with a solid ground cave with a big bonfire, or stick barrier, protecting it.) Sometimes, the more things change, the more they are the same. ;)