Forum Discussion

kbunning's avatar
Jun 10, 2020

Truck Camper Liability Insurance

We own an old truck camper. It's not worth much as far as property value and it has no VIN or serial number that I can find, so we haven't insured it in any way.

BUT, recently friends of mine were involved in a traffic accident with their tow behind RV. They are concerned they could be sued and held liable for another driver's injuries, who was involved in the accident. My friend was found to be "at fault" and was cited for the accident (although it was just a freakish wind incident). They are not sure that their regular RV insurance would cover this.

I would have the same concerns. What if my camper flies off the truck? (I realize this is VERY unlikely) We have NO insurance on it, so ...??

Just FYI - We have full insurance coverage for the truck and we have an umbrella policy, which I believe would cover us in this or most other crazy scenarios. But my friends are also concerned that their umbrella policy may not cover this.

Anyone out there have experience with such situations? Or is their an insurance person out there who can help me get the sort of coverage I might need on our old truck camper.

Thanks in advance!
  • Not much your camper could be "liable for" unless it falls off the truck, lol, in your scenario or someone has a couple too many cocktails and falls out the back door!
    I would not bother. I wouldn't even inside ours except it is stored in the shop all year and if the shop somehow burns down, the camper isn't making it out alive...but don't have liability on it, just damage insurance since it's super cheap.
  • RickW's avatar
    Explorer III
    When I first got my TC I had to keep it in a storage yard and the owner insisted that it be covered by liability insurance. My insurer agreed to add a rider to my auto policy. (Vehicle XX includes one or more camper(s), which are covered on this policy) I showed the rider to rent a parking space. It worked.
  • x2 (or whatever) that truck insurance covers liability on cargo, like TC, wheelbarrow, plywood etc.
    IMHO plywood or wheelbarrow will fly from your truck faster that TC, so if you are really paranoid about it - you should start here.
  • I would contact the company that you have your truck insured with.
  • Ok I'm in Canada, and each province have their own rules, but when I went to insure my truck camper, this is what I was told.

    When camper is on truck and truck is moving, liability is covered by truck insurance.

    When truck is parked and camper is on or off the truck, in storage or in a campground liability is covered by it's own insurance or homeowner's insurance. Not the truck's insurance.

    Just saying. Check with your provider...
  • The liability insurance on the tow vehicle should cover any claims against a TT or camper as long as the TT/camper was being towed/hauled by the tow vehicle at the time of the accident. However, once the TT or camper is removed/detached from the tow vehicle (at home or in a campground) the liability insurance for the tow vehicle will no longer provide coverage. At that point, one would hope their homeowners or umbrella insurance would provide coverage; however, that's not a given. Have to read your policy's fine print. Ideally, you'd want to purchase liability insurance for your TT or camper that provides standalone, 24/7 coverage. Unfortunately, 24/7 coverage is very hard to find (most only provide "vacation" liability coverage---only active when you're using the TT/camper). You can get 24/7 liability coverage if you claim you're living in the TT/camper full-time.
  • Just checked my separate truck camper policy. It has comprehensive and collision but not liability. The insurance on the truck covers the liability.