Removal of the tie down in front of the fuel door on my '13 Ford makes re-fueling easier. The FastGuns are a little pricey, but extremely convenient with excellent functionality.
Get the camper and truck, then see what, if any, suspension mods are desirable. I have Stableloads for my factory, upper overload springs and a set of Timbren SES (Suspension Enhancement System). I put the StableLoads on before I purchased a camper and they're a very popular add-on. It's my understanding they help reduce rear sag because the overload springs engage sooner. Top-heavy induced sway was still un-nerving. The Timbrens take away a lot of the side-to-side sway and make driving easier/more comfortable. You can fabricate a set of Stableload's upper overload bumpers far, far cheaper than their asking price. There are a few threads around, with pics, showing what others have put together.