Forum Discussion

greynomad's avatar
Aug 30, 2020

Truck Camper Northern Lite 811

I've been pulling an Arctic Fox 5th wheel for the last 7 years from one Wildlife Refuge to another and does it get old. Finally decide to park it at a Good Sam 55 + RV site in Arizona.

Looked at truck campers, read the latest data, searched the web and finally decided that for the dollar the Northern Lite 811 would be the best bang for the buck. Also had ordered brochure that rated truck campers and again it was Northern Lite, then Lance and finally Arctic Fox.

I have a 2013 Ford Crew Cab DSL short bed with a 50 gallon tank under neath, air bags and helper springs.

Really looking forward to the camper as it free's up the problem of finding a site for the 5th wheel.:C
  • Welcome to the TC world. NL is a good choice. You will enjoy the freedom of traveling with a TC!
  • That is one of the things DW and I love about the TC, we fit just about anyplace. In some campgrounds they will even let you take a tent site since you don't need much room. Caveat about the tent site is they ask not to run a generator which isn't a problem for me.
  • I don't know who or why it was moved to 5th Wheels from Truck Campers but it belongs in the Truck Camper forum. I am going to move it back.
  • We went many years with our truck camper before switching to the 5th wheel. Lots of advantages to each. I miss being able to tow my boat on every trip with the truck camper. We had an Eagle Cap that was a very fine camper at the time.
  • This thread was listed under truck campers and is about truck campers. Why the move? I was following it under truck campers.
  • "This camper (811) will fit 3/4 ton and larger short bed (6.6') pick up trucks."
    {?why is this post moved/listed under 5th wheels}