Thanks Mark
msiminoff wrote:
AnEv942 wrote:
I do have a question though on the nanostation... it doesn't appear that it's all that weather proof.
The NanoStations are IPx5 rated and can be permanently installed outdoors. However they are designed to be in a upright/vertical orientation. I think that a horizontal installation with the ethernet cable facing into the wind/water would not be a good plan.
Agree, however easiest attachment would be to arm of antenna. In raised position would orient station vertically but when ant. laid down station would be horizontal, hence my concern. Unless I made attachment to arms similar to how ant head mounts, or mount to head.
Use existing arm pins-hmmm, Devils in the details...How did you attach yours?
msiminoff wrote:
AnEv942 wrote:
Also on cell antennas/repeater antenna I read placement and minimum distance between them is important but I've seen no mention of this on WiFi antenna and access/router point.
Absolutely do not point the NanoStation at the AirGateway! I'd suggest keeping as much distance as possible between them.
Here's a link to an informative video by David Bott showing how to set up these products from Ubiquiti.
One of the reasons using the Ubiquiti, so many videos of how to setup. And your link/use to the 12v injector.. But none really mention the mechanical install-even Davids.