Forum Discussion

snarkee's avatar
Jun 25, 2015

Truck weight check

I have a 2015 silveRado 2500hd with a 2015 kz spree connect 322bhs

Cat scale weights

Truck only
steer 4040
Drive 3300
gross 7340

Trailer with without wdh
steer 3640
Drive 4680
Trailer 6920
grass 15240

Trailer with blue ox wdh at 10 links
steer 4000
drive 4180
trailer 7080
gross 15260

Trailer with blue ox wdh at 9 links
Steer 3880
drive 4320
trailer 7040
gross 15240

Gm says to return steer axle to 50% of empty weight. With 10 links I almost restored 100%. At 9 links I was just under 50%

I prefer the 10 link set up because the bars have more bend and it helps with sway control a bit more. Is it ok that I returned the steer axle to within 40 lbs of my truck steer axle with no trailer weight?

And did I calculate my tongue weight at 1380lbs and the trailer total weight at 8300 lbs?
Therefore my hitch weight is 16%????? Can't be

Thanks in advance
  • I use it because I have it and the blue ox has sway control built in
  • The owner's manual also says that a WD hitch is not required for that weight. If you think you need one, you need one.
  • When using a weight-distributing hitch, measure distance (1) before coupling the trailer to the hitch ball. Measure the height again after the trailer is coupled and adjust the spring bars so the distance (1) is as close as possible to halfway between the two measurements

    That's from the owners manual
  • Has GM revised their "Requirements" for WD hitches? My 2013 says none required for that weight trailer. I get it that you might need sway control.
  • Ahhhh....i was going rear drive no wdh minus rear drive no trailer
    4680 -3300 = 1380....makes sense

    The sway pro doesn't allow for head tilt anymore

  • As Lbrjet said TW is 980 pounds via this math:

    Trailer with without wdh
    steer 3640
    Drive 4680
    total 8320

    minus Truck only
    steer 4040
    Drive 3300
    gross 7340


    Trailer weight is 7900 pounds: 15240-7340

    I'm not familiar with the Swaypro, but can you tilt the hitch head a little more and stay with 9 links? or less tilt and 10 links to fine tune that? Otherwise, I'd have no problem with 10 links and nearly 100% front axle restoration unless that seems to handle poorly.
  • TW is 980 lbs and trailer weighs 7900 lbs. Gives 12.4% which is about perfect.