You will need these adapters to plug your 50AMP Shore Power Cable into 120VAC 15/20A Receptacle..
Make sure your RV30A to RV50A adapter is wired like this one..
NOTE that the two HOT CONTACTS are shorted together in the RV50A receptacle side of the adapter to power up both 50A ZONES in the RV.
This will power up both front and rear Air Conditioner however the 15/20A service will only operate one of them at a time.
It is also doubtful that a 15A service connection from your house will power up a 15,500 BTU Air Conditioner. You should not have any problems powering up a 15,500 BTU Air conditioner with a 20AMP Service from the house again with only one at a time. Otherwise it will trip your house circuit breaker.
Most house wiring is 14 gauge wire and is for 15AMP receptacles. Sometime the garage will have a special 20AMP Receptacle installed on a separate circuit to run an Air Compressor. This will be a 12 Gauge wire size and have a 20AMPS Circuit breaker.
If you find 20AMP Circuit breakers in your house power panel it could be your house was wired with 12 Gauge wiring if the electrician followed code... My house has all 20AMP breakers for receptacles and has 12 gauge wiring (I double checked to be sure). All of my room receptacles however are the 15AMP size except one in the garage that feeds an air compressor... Go figure haha
Hope this helps some...
Roy Ken