Many RVs have a single water heater bypass switch, sometimes some where near the water connections. You turn it to BYPASS to route water around the WH, or to NORMAL to route water thru the WH. Turn it to normal, open a hot water faucet, wait until you get good water flow (meaning no air being pushed out), and then you can turn on the water heater.
Some RVs have one, two, or three valves on the back side of the water heater. These valves are turned one way to bypass the WH or anther way to run water thru the WH. You need to make sure water is going thru the WH before turning it on. The link below shows different valve arrangements. Find the one that matches yours. The link shows how to configure the valves to bypass the WH for winterizing, so you would need to turn them the opposite for normal use.
Water heater info