Forum Discussion

CA83's avatar
Apr 30, 2018

Used 2016 Jayco Jayfeather

Finally got a camper that will work for the family. We bought a used 2106 Jayco Jayfeather expandable X23B. Getting a bigger car to tow it. Any one with some areas that I need to watch or have had some issues with these? I know each TT has their issues but just want to know some areas I need to watch.
  • Thanks for the tip, I have found an area where it is just caulk between the outside and the inside of the camper. Trying to figure out how to fix it or just keep putting caulk on it.
  • The caulks & glues used to bond the newer trailers are more environmentally friendly. IMO this translates if you were to get a leak it will do MORE damage in LESS amount of time.

    Check you roof and bunk end seams before every trip. I frequently have to recaulk my front bunk ends maybe 3 or more times a year from trailer flexing/usage.

    IMO Hydrids are some of the least maintenance friendly RV's out there, but I guess that's the trade off for the extra living space.

  • Thank you and thank you for your service. 15 years as a Civil Affairs special operations combat medic.
  • Congratulations on the purchase! If you haven't found it yet, there is a dedicated Jayco forum at and someone there might help.