Using pourable epoxy on floor soft spots

Posts: 93
Registered: ‎Oct-31-2021

Re: Using pourable epoxy on floor soft spots

Back in my boating days I used some "wood hardeners" to firm up areas of dry rot that would have otherwise required some extensive demolition and repairs.

Some are two-part styrene based and others are just single-part products.

I recently used this to firm up the wood underlayment that had softened when my old dishwasher leaked:

One trick I learned with my boat repairs was to use an Ice Pick to create holes in the soft wood that allowed deeper penetration. The secret to repairing soft areas with a "hardener" is to get as much as possible deep into the wood. Most epoxy products are more viscous than the Minwax hardener and usually only penetrate the immediate surface area.

The Minwax product dries nice and hard which makes a good surface for gluing on new floor covering (or replacing old if it was just peeled back).
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~ Albert Einstein