bka0721 wrote:
egarant wrote:
UPDATE The camper was finally picked up and taken to Yakima WA. I met a sales rep from EC that was dropping off a camper at the Ventura RV show, about 2 hours north of my location in Southern Calif.
Grammar, pronunciation and sentence structure is never an issue for me. Often I am able to determine what is being conveyed, by the context. I will admit, I am sooooo confused by what you wrote. You must have been really happy and typing without your fingers and brain engaged.
Are you saying that the Sales Rep. met with you? Or that he met with you and was the one that took your camper back with him, on his truck. Essentially keeping him from dead heading back to the factory?
Or, did you meet with him and your Truck Camper was already being transported back to the Factory?
egarant wrote:
Interesting footnote. When I showed the salesperson who was going to take the camper back the fiberglass release, he said, without prompting, that injecting glue through the bed to the fiberglass will not work and that they have repaired several campers with this issue by completely removing the front cap. That's is the way this board and the experts I have showed it to feel it should be done as well. So that is good news.....
Uh? What did you just say here? Whom were you referring to; “who was going to take the camper back?” Were you attempting to get back at the salesman/someone, and got an unsolicited reply from them? Please clarify.
Whatever the case, EXCELLENT news! Glad you have been patient and working with the manufacturer towards a conclusion. Again, it is not the manufacturer’s (as I wrote earlier) fault you purchased your camper so far from the factory, so the distance you need to travel is irrelevant. IMHO It is excellent that there was an amicable conclusion in transporting the Truck Camper to the factory. I would hold the manufacturer to the same responsibility if you had lived across town and needed to drive to the factory. If I purchased something and wanted to return it, I would be held to the warranty/return policy of whether they would pay for a return/warranty or I would be held responsible for postage/shipping. A Truck camper would be the same. One should verify, at time of purchase, what those policies or expectations are.
I agree with bigfootford, and others, make your trip an adventure and your return a Victory Tour!
SERIOUSLY? What a sarcastic, passive aggressive post. Go back to bed.