I have noticed an interesting side benefit. When the fresh tank was full before with the connections on the right side, When I would make a left turn, water would flow right and pour out the vent hole and a little leakage from the fill cap with no gasket. Because it was a straight shot out, water would just blast right out from the force of changing direction with the turn.
Now, with the fill location moved to the left side, no water escapes. The reason is, all the pipes come out of the fresh tank right side and turn 180 degrees reversing direction to the left. When I turn left, water wants to flow to the right and is still going into the hoses but because they reverse direction, water only goes so far and stops, it can't continue flowing out the pipe after the hose direction is reversed. When I turn right, water wants to flow left but there is no exit from the tank on that side. All the water in the pipes going into the tank are sloped to flow into the tank, no stagnant water so no water escapes at all. I fill the water tank until I get some spray out the vent line, so it gets flushed out each time I fill the fresh tank. Just an interesting tidbit I thought I'd share.
On a side note, the solar system produced a max of 475 watts today and ran the fridge all day at 325 watts (intermittently cycling on and off) and still fully recharged the batteries by the afternoon. I Had to unplug the fridge at 4:30 as the solar power level was dropping pretty quickly.
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