Forum Discussion

Camper_Jeff___K's avatar
Aug 20, 2018

VIDEO: The Messy Campsite!

VIDEO: The Messy Campsite!

We were scoping out potential future campsites and found one that had great promise. Next to the river, flat, sizable open space. Things were looking good. Upon closer inspection, prior abuse by other campers became more and more apparent. Manageable amounts of burnable garbage left behind wasn't much more than an annoyance. The real problem was the amount of toilet paper to be seen laying on the ground the area randomly spaced throughout the underbrush. There are better ways to deal with human waste such as the 5 gallon bucket system featured in the video. This campsite is off my list for now.
  • Can you do it?

    Still trying to figure out how if you do it with a TC, it's not criminal trespass. I'm still waiting for my membership card to that club. "Someone's parked in my field? Oh it's okay, he has a TC."

    Around here there is private property, and campgrounds. If you want to camp on private property, you darn well better OWN it. Just showing up randomly and parking on "a flat spot" is more likely to result in multiple flat tires, a ride in the back seat of a blue sedan, and a hefty impound bill.
  • We rarely go to any campgrounds, we have many places to spend the night
    in our area of travel.

    When the camper is being made road ready for another days work by DW, I
    take the garbage bag, get a bit of early morning exercise and
    pick up any garbage laying around...

    Sort of a mobile TC garbage truck....

  • sleepy wrote:

    Can you do it?

    Not in constant 110F and dead Generac.
  • These are among the reasons that we never go to campgrounds... ever.

    People will not move from a site once they invested money in it filth, drunks, barking dogs, loud music, or even used toilet paper...

    Try day camping... and night camping. In your truck camper.

    If your camper is set up properly you don’t need electricity, water, sewer or a connection for your phone, internet, or TV

    During the day be wherever you want... the beach, along a stream, in a parking lot...

    At night find a level spot... pull the drapes and go to bed. If someone objectionable comes along jus move

    Avoid the nastty’s... and you won’t have to complain and you’ll never waste money on another sickening place.

    Can you do it?
  • My wife and I stayed in a private campground about an hour or so north of NYC on 87 about 20 years ago. The site we got was bare bones, against some woods, with just water and electric. But you never have seen so much TP distributed over a hundred square foot area, with the sandy soil scoured by a disgusting stream of you know what. When I told the office, they moved us, no apology. Had to be 20-30 gallons of ........., emptied on the site.
  • We were at Geneva SP in Ohio last week and I kept getting a whiff of sewage. I ruled out the dump station due to the wind direction and the pond in the middle of the 2 loops after I took the dog for a walk around it.

    My only conclusion was that people were dumping into the brush that separates the campsites when the dump lines were long.

    If you can't take the dump line time, go to a FHU site.
  • As an RV'er camper let me tell you never have I seen a NASTY campsite like that.
    they had to be in tents. before I get the hate mail. Not all tent campers are like that.
  • It's really sad how destructive and abusive "campers" have become. We used to live a few miles from Deep Creek in the SB mountains and day users would trash that place every weekend....totally disgusting behavior.
  • That's really too bad. Aside from that busy bridge, it looks like a great spot that some selfish and lazy people have spoiled.