Forum Discussion

Aug 16, 2019

Wall mount AC Leaking

My 2018 Zinger has a wall mount AC over the bed. It's been leaking since day one. We took it in under warranty and they "fixed" it but it still leaks.

Im curious if anyone knows of common problems with the drip trays and mounting? Its on this weekends to do list. I'm sure ill figure something out when i get it all apart. im not under warranty any more and ill be damned if i let the morons at the RV dealership try and fix it. Not to mention the down time. Any input or advise is appreciated.
  • Most modern window ac's are drain is slanted to drain to the condenser coil to be slinged into to it and evaporate while adding efficiency to the window unit. That means if you place it on a level surface it would drain as designed. Most problems occur when crud, leaves, bugs, or other junk trap in the drain channel. The other issue is the condenser coil getting dirty, not allowing the condensate to penetrate.

    I had a class B motorhome that used a window AC and it laid in the compartment flat and never had any issues with the drain. Of course as a HVAC tech I routinely did my annual service.
  • drsteve wrote:
    WayneAt63044 wrote:
    Window units (also in homes) need to tilt to the outside so that they drain outside. It should drain outside if the drain is not clogged, the unit is tipped to the outside, and the condensate pan is not cracked or leaking. I'll bet you can fix it. Good luck!

    Newer window unit do not have a drain. They use the fan to sling water on the condenser coils for increased efficiency.

    Which is part of the problem. If there is too much water and the slant is not right the water can not be "Slung" out fast enough.

    I've had ones where I had to remove the cover from the AC and then drill a small hole in the back of the cover. Near the bottom, so that if the water level becomes to full it will drip out.
  • WayneAt63044 wrote:
    Window units (also in homes) need to tilt to the outside so that they drain outside. It should drain outside if the drain is not clogged, the unit is tipped to the outside, and the condensate pan is not cracked or leaking. I'll bet you can fix it. Good luck!

    Newer window unit do not have a drain. They use the fan to sling water on the condenser coils for increased efficiency.
  • Had the same problem with mine. The plastic trim on the outside was trapping the water. Cut out the existing slots on the lower edge of the trim so that the slot is flush with the side of the trailer and does not trap the water.
  • Window units (also in homes) need to tilt to the outside so that they drain outside. It should drain outside if the drain is not clogged, the unit is tipped to the outside, and the condensate pan is not cracked or leaking. I'll bet you can fix it. Good luck!