dubob wrote:
mark1228 wrote:
The other thing I really laugh about on these types of subjects is that the local dealer now has "lost your business". Really? Seems to me they lost it when you went out of town to make your purchase and since you did it once a logical conclusion is that you will do it again next time.
Which parts of my previous statements about the local dealer NOT HAVING either a 2-3 year old used unit (which is what I wanted and started out looking for) or a 2011 new unit (which I bought at a highly discounted price) available for sale on their lot for the time period of Oct 2012 through Apr 2013 do you not understand. The local dealer had nothing in stock that I was interested in buying. That being said, the local dealer lost absolutely nothing in the way of a sale. Why is that so hard for a couple of you folks to grasp?
I have worked in dealerhsip service departments for 23 years. Judging by your responses here I know exactly why the dealer was not interested in your business, uh I mean "warranty" work.