t-smith wrote:
So is it a DIY capable? I’m very handy and do most home and car repairs but haven’t done a TT before.
I’m assuming remove linoleum, cut out bad floor. Cut out sections of wall. Let dry.
The real problem is the floor. The water could have traveled a long way damaging the plywood. All walls and cabinets are built directly on top of the floor and attached to it. You might have to disassemble more than you think.
t-smith wrote:
Replace insulation. New floor and glue back down linoleum. What about the wall? What material for that?
This depends on the manufacturer and model. Typical wall are 2x2 studs. If it has aluminum siding the exterior sheathing is probably 1/4" plywood. Interior is usually luan plywood. Nothing really tricky.
Some models use aluminum studs and Azdel sheathing. Azdel should not rot, but the Filon flexible skin can delaminate.
This is a big job. The average DIYer could spends months working nights and weekends.