You’ll get replies from no problem, dig in, from mechanically inclined folks like Burbman who did a beautiful job completely re-constructing a camper. And you’ll likely get replies that warn you of toxic mold and how this has trashed your camper and it may or may not be repairable. Followed by this is major, OMG, “take it to a pro”, it’ll never be the same, etc from those who’s abilities or understanding are lower than average in this realm.
Bottom line, what you’ve described is akin to maybe remodeling a bathroom. If you’re a reasonably capable diy handyman, there’s nothing magical or high tech about the assembly of a camper. Dig in and get ‘er dun!
Worst case, you have a few questions that you sort out and in the end, you’ve performed a repair for pennys on the dollar compared to the risks/benefit of taking it to a shop.
Good luck.