Wow that's some serious filtration.
I keep my rv packed and loaded, with food clothes and water in case there is a fire or big earthquake and we have to move into the rv. . I thought all was well until my water tank fell off my trailer the other day due to a faulty design, it showed me a lot. The fresh water tank had algae growing in it. I could go on to talk about what filter we use when filling it up, but no amount of filtering before putting water into the tank would prevent algae from growing in the tank. Only chlorine will prevent that, which kind of all but defeats the purpose of filtering -- aside from the irradiated stuff and or other nasty stuff.
Which brings me to this we bring water to drink and cook 5 gallon jugs, and we use the fresh water tank to bath and wash dishes. I haven't found a charcoal filter that will eliminate the chorine taste.
So if you store water in your tank, make sure to put chorine in it as well.