Now I have a question haha... If this HOTT ROD Electric Element screws into the hole the anode rod is using does this hurt the hot water heater operating without the anode rod?
I have the Suburban model 6-gallon Hot Water heater that uses the ANODE ROD..
NOTE: I did find this question on the AMAZON site. This was one of the answers to the question:
"That is the only real down side to this brand. An anode rod is needed to avoid damage to the shell of your water heater. The heating element in the Lightning Rod brand conversion kit (also available on Amazon) does also act as an anode, which also means that it has to be cleaned after about six months of use. I use CLR or LimeAway."
Since I have been checking my ANODE ROD every season when draining everything for the winter months I guess I can just clean the HOTT ROD Element as indicated here??? Interesting...
Roy Ken