Forum Discussion

jbird68's avatar
Explorer III
May 26, 2017

Water Line routing.

I discovered that I had a water line leak in my Jayco Designger 12F5. I want to replace the line but I have an issue. The original lines are routed on top of the main floor but under the slide out. This makes it hard to gain access under the slide-out to repair the leak. Is there any reason why I can't re-route the lines under the flooring?

  • Well, as it turned out, the lines were not cracked under the slide out. Thank goodness! That would not be easy to get to. What had happened was the plastic threaded fitting to the sink hose cracked and broke off. Essentially the water was just flowing stright out the hose and over the floor. Simple fix with a new hose from the hardware store. As I was fixing it I noticed that I had already fixed the other hose to the sink. I turned on the water and it didn't see any flowing water. But I did hear a steady "PSSSSSSS" from the other side of the camper. One of the PEX line elbows had cracked that leads to the outdoor shower. There is no direct shut-off for that line so I had to fix it. Picked up a new Watts push-to-connect elbow and fixed that leak. No more water leaks. Next thing to fix would be the water heater tank. I'm pretty sure that is cracked somewhere.
  • I wonder if it's the same as the Utah. On that model with the slide out dinette you pull the screws that hold the trim piece across the slideout inside the trailer. Then the front of the step comes off and you have access to the pipes and pump. You can also partially disassemble part of the bottom under the slide from outside the trailer but access to things is a bit more difficult that way.
  • I would in a heart beat if that is the easiest way.
    I have built three houses from the ground up and done all the plumbing myself.
    My routing is always so if anything goes wrong, it is easy for me to get.

    Try to route it so it will be protected from flying road stuff, and if it will be below your low point drain, just make another low point drain from it.

    Good Luck,

    Jack L
  • I installed a hot water system in an old tent trailer in the 90's. The lines, both water and gas, had to go under the floor. We still have the trailer and nothing has leaked. I was a bit concerned about the exposed lines but, it would be an easy fix if one did get damaged.

    Another issue will be winterizing such a system. You will have to use the pink stuff or use an air compressor to clear the lines. They won't drain very easily. I did not install low point drains so I had to be careful when winter set in.
  • Well, all the gas lines are under the floor. As it is right now I can't even see where the leak is. There isn't any access to under the slide-out. It's all Pex lines.
  • You could, but then the lines would be subject to easily freezing and damage from road debeis.