amuddin135 wrote:
I have had a water leak on my ceiling. I got the leak fixed I think. What is the best way to remove water stain? My ceiling is a white paneling.
For the most part the stain is not going to be removable, the water migrates through the paneling to the surface (underside of the ceiling).
If the surface of the ceiling is a vinyl you won't be able to remove the stain since what you are seeing is the paneling behind the vinyl (water removed the paint/colorant from under the vinyl showing the actual panel board).
Some are nothing more than a photo paper which is applied to the ceiling surface, water damages the paper and you will have a stain.
If the surface is vinyl try a Magic Eraser sponge, just wet it and gently scrub the affected area but don't try that on a paper surface as it will remove the paper in the process making a bigger problem.
In most cases you might have to PAINT the ceiling with a stain blocker/primer then a couple of coats of regular paint.