budwich wrote:
Just got my tongue weighed... :-) and found that I am close to the "bar rating" of the WD hitch. So the question is ... If you are at / near the rating boundary for your WD hitch (bars rated for 600lbs), is it better to move to the next rating (typically 800lbs) or will the significant difference become an issue in terms of "springiness" of the heavier bars? Will the lighter bar be a "safety" issue?
You should not be at a load that is greater than the bars, so yes you should get the 800# bars. They say that heavier bars could lead to 'porpoising' but 1 have 1400/14000 bars (came with the trailer) and I have not had any adverse towing experiences. My tongue load is about 800# and based on say 13% the GVWR should have 1000/10000 bars so my bars are overrated. No problems though.
Too light a bar can be an safely issue since it won't effectively level the truck and that means that the steering axle would be too light in addition to having headlights pointing up and too high and potentially in the eyes of oncoming motorists.