Forum Discussion

cruz-in's avatar
Mar 08, 2015

WDH and airbag setup Question

So here is my setup:

2010 F250 Diesel 2WD CC Tow vehicle
11.5K trailer fully loaded
1200 to 1250 Pound Tongue weigh once loaded
Hensley Arrow hitch
1400 pound Springbars
Truck equiped with airbags

Been reading lots (and practcing) and pertty much got the setup up down but not sure about airing up the airbags. so far I have been:

1) Setting weight distribution so front bumper is about where it is whe not towing.

2) Then adjusting the airbags to level up the whole rig. Been taking 25 to 35 pounds of air in the bags.

Seems to drve real well except when I hit a bump there is a bit of porpoising. Nothing to dramatic, just a little bit annoying.

Is therre something I can do in my setup to limit the porpoising?
