Grit dog wrote:
^True dat!
I sold a perfectly good ext cab once I found a deal on the newish at the time CC trucks.
EC suiting a family “just fine” is relative. You could haul a family of 5 in a Compact car too. 5 belts = good to go right?
However after about age 4 or 5, the kids in the back of a half cab wasn’t cutting it for us.
I agree that it's relative. I was mostly commenting on the "need" part versus what it really is (want). That said, it's other people's money so what they want isn't for me to be concerned about. The market will decide what sells and that's obviously CC over EC these days.
We regularly do haul all 5 of us in a Toyota Tacoma. While it is a 4-door, the backseat is more crowded than our Chevy. Our "wants" may change as the kids grow. Our girls are all 10 or younger but the oldest is almost 5'2" so hardly "little". Check back with me in a few years when we have a CC. ;)