I'd say it depends on how much you plan on loading in it. My campers dry weight were nearly identical at 6500lbs and 650 tw. I packed lighter as I had a half ton, loaded weight was 7500lbs with a 900lb tongue weight. Then kids came around and I was approaching 8000lbs loaded and when the second kid came along I got a RAM 3500 as the quad cab wasn't big enough.
The 1200lb bars are good for 800-1200
the 1400lb bars are good for 1000-1400
I thought I got the bigger one at the time incase I wanted to upgrade to a larger tt however knowing what I know now I probably would have gotten the 14k one as that really was the larger one for me the 12k one was sized just right.
After year three I stripped everything down and wire brushed everything to repaint. Upon inspection. I noticed my hitch head weldstart had cracked. Equalizer sent me a new head once they received a picture. Great service.
One other thing to think about is that the Equalizer brand hitch is not allowed to be used without the weight distributing part. Had I know that I would have looked into another brand. Now that I am getting a 5er the hitch is not use able for me.