The above advice about a flat bed hold merit with me too. You have enough truck that you can still carry extra items on the truck without weight concerns once you have the room. I looked into the flat beds when I had a SRW and found I didn't have enough payload capacity to make switching over worth the cost. When I was ready to upgrade trucks, it was an easy decision for me.
Whether you have a built in microwave or generator depends on how you RV. If you are a more traditional camper that does most things over an open flame, it does not make sense to always carry these items with you. If you use the camper as an extension of your home and like the conveniences of on-demand power for cooking, air conditioning or powering electronics, having a built in generator with one touch button is pretty handy.
We prefer the microwave/convection over the LPG oven and gained storage by only having the cooktop. Instead of worrying about generator storage and security, we chose the built in option so it is always with us and a button press away from use. Because we chose the built in generator, we did narrow down our choice of campers to ones that carry dual 30 lb LPG cylinders. Our recent trip dry camping for four out our five nights in 40-50 degree weather emptied one 30 lb cylinder and switched over to the second on the day we were returning home.